To our Customers:
We always appreciate your business & loyalty!
The shipping of back-up orders will resume on February
11th, 2013. Thank you for your patience!
We do not represent an assembly line production. Every bottle of AAV you are receiving has been marked with a personal touch of our volunteers who support hirudotherapy just as YOU DO, and who agreed to help us with this project!
Upon Customers request a pre-pay option is in effect as of February 8th, 2013!
We ship on first-come-first-serve basis.
Thank you for the support of non-invasive hirudotherapy in the USA!
[email protected]
ALA-AQUA-VITA® is laboratory tested product. This product is not FDA approved and makes no medical claims. AAV is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY. ALAMED HIRUDOCENTER OF AMARICA and HIRUDO-TOUCH MIRACLE®S.A. do not intend to promote any particular cure or solutions. HIRUDO-TOUCH MIRACLE does not suggest that customers should abandon any ongoing medical therapies or any other medical advises.
All trademarks are owned by HIRUDO-TOUCH MIRACLE® S.A.
Share your story with us and with other customers!
We always welcome feedbacks and our customers are eager to listen.
To do so, please go to "Contact us" and download your comments right from your computer! Otherwise, please use an e-mail: [email protected]
Thank you!
Time to time we are receiving questions from our customers. We decided to post them in our Blog. It is located at the bottom of each page on this website.
Q: - “My dentist told me I am developing periodontitis. Can I gargle with alaaquavita water?”
A: - No, you cannot.
However, you may use a cotton swab dipped in an AAV and gently smear it on upper
and lower gums even when only one area is affected! Do this in AM & PM after your daily teeth-brushing routine. Remember: always separate the approximate amount of AAV for everyday use. NEVER share daily portion of water with other person, while in use by you!
Avoid putting your fingers or cotton pads, swabs into main bottle that always should be placed back to the refrigerator.
Periodontitis could be helped with Hirudotherapy, too. Give us a call.
Periodontitis is a serious gum disease and please don’t ignore it. Keep your dentist’s appointments!
Blog with us! [Look to the bottom right on each page]
We always ready to answer your questions!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Copyright 2012 - 2013 HIRUDO TOUCH MIRACLE® S.A. 2012 All Rights Reserved.