Sawyer, R. T. 1986. Leech biology and behavior. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Henderson, H. P., B. Matti, A. G. Laing, S. Morelli, and L. Sully. 1983. Avulsion of the scalp treated by microvascular repair: the use of leeches for post-operative decongestion. Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 36:235-239.
Y. Kamenev, MD. Cardiovascular disease was a main indication for leech therapy for ...
Keim, A. 1993. Studies on the host specificity of the medicinal blood leech Hirudo medicinalis L. Parasitol. Res. 79:251-255.
Alternative Treatments for Wounds: Leeches, Maggots, and Bees; Medscape Article, Nov 8, 2007; Karen Dente, MD
Graf, J. 2002. The effect of the symbionts on the physiology of Hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech. Inv. Reproductive Develop Biol. 41:269-275.
Graf, J. 2000. The symbiosis of Aeromonas and Hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech
Hand, Amputations and Replantation; eMedicine Article, June 28, 2006; Bradon J Wilhelmi MDWhen Modern Medicine Needs Some Help - Jack McClintock (PDF file)
(Gordon L, Leitner DW, Buncke HJ, Alpert BS. Partial nail plate removal after digital replantation as an alternative method of venous drainage. J Hand Surg [Am]. May 1985
Salvage of Partial Facial Soft Tissue Avulsions with Medicinal Leeches; Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2004; 131 (6):934-9; Frodel JL, Barth P, Wagner J (abstract)
UCLA Louise M Darling Biomedical Library; History & Special Collections--very nice online exhibit on Bloodletting
Beyond Bloodletting: FDA Gives Leeches a Medical Makeover; FDA Consumer Magazine, Sept-Oct 2004 Issue; Carol Rados
Dr Zygmunt Dynowski, Podstawy Hirudoterapii, June 2004, Poland
All pictures and videos presented on my website come from my personal, professional library and are used with acknowledge and permission of my clients.
British Association of Hirudotherapy
ALA-MED HIRUDOTHERAPY CENTER 1-888-825-0793 or 347-981-6171
[email protected]
Sawyer, R. T. 1986. Leech biology and behavior. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Henderson, H. P., B. Matti, A. G. Laing, S. Morelli, and L. Sully. 1983. Avulsion of the scalp treated by microvascular repair: the use of leeches for post-operative decongestion. Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 36:235-239.
Y. Kamenev, MD. Cardiovascular disease was a main indication for leech therapy for ...
Keim, A. 1993. Studies on the host specificity of the medicinal blood leech Hirudo medicinalis L. Parasitol. Res. 79:251-255.
Alternative Treatments for Wounds: Leeches, Maggots, and Bees; Medscape Article, Nov 8, 2007; Karen Dente, MD
Graf, J. 2002. The effect of the symbionts on the physiology of Hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech. Inv. Reproductive Develop Biol. 41:269-275.
Graf, J. 2000. The symbiosis of Aeromonas and Hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech
Hand, Amputations and Replantation; eMedicine Article, June 28, 2006; Bradon J Wilhelmi MDWhen Modern Medicine Needs Some Help - Jack McClintock (PDF file)
(Gordon L, Leitner DW, Buncke HJ, Alpert BS. Partial nail plate removal after digital replantation as an alternative method of venous drainage. J Hand Surg [Am]. May 1985
Salvage of Partial Facial Soft Tissue Avulsions with Medicinal Leeches; Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2004; 131 (6):934-9; Frodel JL, Barth P, Wagner J (abstract)
UCLA Louise M Darling Biomedical Library; History & Special Collections--very nice online exhibit on Bloodletting
Beyond Bloodletting: FDA Gives Leeches a Medical Makeover; FDA Consumer Magazine, Sept-Oct 2004 Issue; Carol Rados
Dr Zygmunt Dynowski, Podstawy Hirudoterapii, June 2004, Poland
All pictures and videos presented on my website come from my personal, professional library and are used with acknowledge and permission of my clients.
British Association of Hirudotherapy
ALA-MED HIRUDOTHERAPY CENTER 1-888-825-0793 or 347-981-6171
[email protected]