Contraindications and Conditions for Leech Therapy:
We do not apply leeches if:
--Hemophilia (disorder of the blood-clotting system), Leukemia (Malignancy of cells in the blood), Multiple Myeloma (Malignancy of plasma cells in Bone Marrow - "myelo" from Greek-bone marrow), Lymphoma (Malignant tumors of the lymph system), Low blood pressure (below 100), Anemia, individuals with HIV-infection-AIDS, during Chemotherapy ( or people who are on immunosuppressive medication), Liver Cancer ( Malignant Cirrhosis of the liver) severe allergic diathesis and severe systemic reactions, individuals with installed Pacemaker, Pregnancy, during menstrual period, children under 14 years old.
-- If anticoagulant medication, such as Coumadin, Plavix, Lovenox, Marcumar or similar are in use, please contact your physician before you set up an appointment for hirudotherapy; Hirudin in leech SGS (salivary glands secretion) works similar to the Heparin and it is 10 times more powerful then commonly use anticoagulants. Consequently, the two blood thinners cannot be applied together, at the same time. You do not need a physician's consent to stop intake of Aspirin, Viagra, Fish Oil and Ginkgo Biloba.
-- If Gingko Biloba products, Aspirin, Fish Oil, Viagra are in use, the intake of such should be temporarily stopped 2-3 days before the leech therapy begins. Please inform your hirudotherapist of an intake of any anti-inflammatory and antidepressant medication, strong pain-reliever drugs, Chinese Herbs, alternative healing creams, homeopathic remedies . Consult your doctor and hirudotherapist about any other concerns or questions.
-- If you are on any specific diet such as starvation diet, juices-only diet, cleansing diet, dietary supplements diet, etc., YOU HAVE TO FINISH IT before you enter into Hirudotherapy sessions and please notify about it your hirudotherapist.
-- Please remember it is in your best interest, and we do not perform hirudotherapy simultaneously with other modalities & treatments, such as:
-- Colon hydrotherapy, Cortisone therapy ,Prednisone therapy (for migraine headache), liver cleansing, kidney cleansing and/or any other Detox, lymphatic drainage, Chelation therapy, Acupuncture, Bee Venom Therapy, tranquilizers & steroids therapy, etc.
-- On the other hand, any: Physical therapy, Intense massage, deep-tissue massage, reflexo-therapy, aromatherapy, acupressure, jugging, biking, intensive swimming, weight-lifting, intensive running-- cannot be perform on a day of hirudotherapy session and for the next two days after each hirudotherapy session.
-- Prior to starting hirudotherapy treatment a BLOOD TEST is required - we need to know your Hemoglobin level. Please bring the copy of the results with you to the first visit and/or contact ALA-MED HIRUDOTHERAPY OVER THE PHONE to discussed the test before to the visit.
We DO NOT accept any verbal blood test results, or "my blood is O.K." statements.
We have to have a copy of your blood test on file.
Hirudotherapy is a natural treatment with hirudosubstances from leeches SGS (Salivary Glands Secretion). Please read about natural Hirudosubstances. It is not a "Quick-Fix" Wizard Touch! HIRUDOTHERAPY - IT IS THE HEALING PROCESS WITHOUT CHEMICALS AND WITHOUT DRUGS, ALL NATURAL!
that are described under "Aftercare" Instructions.
Copyright © 2005 - 2014 | ALA-MED Hirudotherapy Center of America & Academy of Hirudotherapy | All rights reserved
We do not apply leeches if:
--Hemophilia (disorder of the blood-clotting system), Leukemia (Malignancy of cells in the blood), Multiple Myeloma (Malignancy of plasma cells in Bone Marrow - "myelo" from Greek-bone marrow), Lymphoma (Malignant tumors of the lymph system), Low blood pressure (below 100), Anemia, individuals with HIV-infection-AIDS, during Chemotherapy ( or people who are on immunosuppressive medication), Liver Cancer ( Malignant Cirrhosis of the liver) severe allergic diathesis and severe systemic reactions, individuals with installed Pacemaker, Pregnancy, during menstrual period, children under 14 years old.
-- If anticoagulant medication, such as Coumadin, Plavix, Lovenox, Marcumar or similar are in use, please contact your physician before you set up an appointment for hirudotherapy; Hirudin in leech SGS (salivary glands secretion) works similar to the Heparin and it is 10 times more powerful then commonly use anticoagulants. Consequently, the two blood thinners cannot be applied together, at the same time. You do not need a physician's consent to stop intake of Aspirin, Viagra, Fish Oil and Ginkgo Biloba.
-- If Gingko Biloba products, Aspirin, Fish Oil, Viagra are in use, the intake of such should be temporarily stopped 2-3 days before the leech therapy begins. Please inform your hirudotherapist of an intake of any anti-inflammatory and antidepressant medication, strong pain-reliever drugs, Chinese Herbs, alternative healing creams, homeopathic remedies . Consult your doctor and hirudotherapist about any other concerns or questions.
-- If you are on any specific diet such as starvation diet, juices-only diet, cleansing diet, dietary supplements diet, etc., YOU HAVE TO FINISH IT before you enter into Hirudotherapy sessions and please notify about it your hirudotherapist.
-- Please remember it is in your best interest, and we do not perform hirudotherapy simultaneously with other modalities & treatments, such as:
-- Colon hydrotherapy, Cortisone therapy ,Prednisone therapy (for migraine headache), liver cleansing, kidney cleansing and/or any other Detox, lymphatic drainage, Chelation therapy, Acupuncture, Bee Venom Therapy, tranquilizers & steroids therapy, etc.
-- On the other hand, any: Physical therapy, Intense massage, deep-tissue massage, reflexo-therapy, aromatherapy, acupressure, jugging, biking, intensive swimming, weight-lifting, intensive running-- cannot be perform on a day of hirudotherapy session and for the next two days after each hirudotherapy session.
-- Prior to starting hirudotherapy treatment a BLOOD TEST is required - we need to know your Hemoglobin level. Please bring the copy of the results with you to the first visit and/or contact ALA-MED HIRUDOTHERAPY OVER THE PHONE to discussed the test before to the visit.
We DO NOT accept any verbal blood test results, or "my blood is O.K." statements.
We have to have a copy of your blood test on file.
Hirudotherapy is a natural treatment with hirudosubstances from leeches SGS (Salivary Glands Secretion). Please read about natural Hirudosubstances. It is not a "Quick-Fix" Wizard Touch! HIRUDOTHERAPY - IT IS THE HEALING PROCESS WITHOUT CHEMICALS AND WITHOUT DRUGS, ALL NATURAL!
that are described under "Aftercare" Instructions.
Copyright © 2005 - 2014 | ALA-MED Hirudotherapy Center of America & Academy of Hirudotherapy | All rights reserved