Ocober 15th, 2012, - BTER Foundation in Irvine, CA & AMERICAN HIRUDOTHERAPY ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, NV
Alicja Bibikow-Kolyszko, DHT, BSc, MSc a faculty Member at BTER Foundation,
accepted the invitation from Dr. R. Sherman, MD, MSc, DTM&H to join the Clinical Research with Medicinal Leeches on neuropathic pain control including the post-shingles neuralgia indications.
HIRUDOTHERAPY presented for FDA acceptance and clearance in the USA!
…“After surgery, with few veins connected, blood tends to engorge the appendage, and
then to clot, turn blue and - in the worst cases - kill it, said Dr. L. Scott
Levin, a Duke University hand surgeon. To buy time for the body to create its
own venous attachments, surgeons use leeches.
Leeches naturally inject patients with a potent chemical cocktail that includes an
anticoagulant, an anesthetic, an antibiotic and a substance that dilates blood
vessels. This cocktail encourages fast bleeding to empty the appendage of extra
blood, reducing pressure and allowing veins to form on ITS own.
You don't need a medical degree to become a hirudotherapist. Some
courses are required to practice it: According to the Academy of Hirudotherapy:
“AHT Certificate and Diploma programs do not constitute a degree. Credits earned in
Anatomy & Physiology could be used at advanced degree programs.” ( www.amazingleeches.com) …“
[byDr. Jeffrey H. Toney : Dean’s Corner: 24 Jul 2011 - He
serves as Vice President of Academic Affairs at Kean University.]
Alicja Bibikow-Kolyszko, DHT, BSc, MSc a faculty Member at BTER Foundation,
accepted the invitation from Dr. R. Sherman, MD, MSc, DTM&H to join the Clinical Research with Medicinal Leeches on neuropathic pain control including the post-shingles neuralgia indications.
HIRUDOTHERAPY presented for FDA acceptance and clearance in the USA!
…“After surgery, with few veins connected, blood tends to engorge the appendage, and
then to clot, turn blue and - in the worst cases - kill it, said Dr. L. Scott
Levin, a Duke University hand surgeon. To buy time for the body to create its
own venous attachments, surgeons use leeches.
Leeches naturally inject patients with a potent chemical cocktail that includes an
anticoagulant, an anesthetic, an antibiotic and a substance that dilates blood
vessels. This cocktail encourages fast bleeding to empty the appendage of extra
blood, reducing pressure and allowing veins to form on ITS own.
You don't need a medical degree to become a hirudotherapist. Some
courses are required to practice it: According to the Academy of Hirudotherapy:
“AHT Certificate and Diploma programs do not constitute a degree. Credits earned in
Anatomy & Physiology could be used at advanced degree programs.” ( www.amazingleeches.com) …“
[byDr. Jeffrey H. Toney : Dean’s Corner: 24 Jul 2011 - He
serves as Vice President of Academic Affairs at Kean University.]
British Association of Hirudotherapy
POLAND: I Symposium of United Hirudotherapists of Poland took place during the weekend of January 16-17th, 2010. (PTH- Polskie Towarzystwo Hirudoterapeutow)
Alicja Kolyszko is an active member of PTH.
The leech has cured the cerebral paralysis (palsy)!
"... The unique results of Krasheniuk's hirudotherapy treatment of the children with cerebral paralysis have been broadcasted on 40 and 5th Saint-Petersburg TV channels.For example, little Vanja managed to walk himself after several months of hirudotherapy (He could'nt walk for 5 years). Such unical results could'nt be achieved by other methods of treatment. Besides the results are stable."
TV Channel & Press Release St. Petersburg, Russia, 2009
"Mr Weinkove, a fifth-year medical student at the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals in London, said:" ... it has taken [for hirudothrapy and leeches] so long for them to come back because they have [physicians] an image problem. Doctors have been reluctant to use them because of their image, but now it has been proven that they can be useful in certain cases. Sometimes, the patient's veins are too weak to take the blood away from the body part and the blood builds up, causing "venous congestion. Attaching leeches to the body can draw the blood away gradually and painlessly since leech saliva contains an anesthetic. This allows the re-attached body part to survive until the veins are strong enough to work normally". Mr Weinkove says most patients are willing to have leeches on their bodies if it is a choice between leeches, more operations or losing a part of the body. He says children often give them names. But their family and friends are not so keen to see the creatures at work. This has led some doctors to hide the leeches, using dressings. Doctors in Philidelphia have developed a plastic shield to hide the leech and keep it in place.
London Press, 2008
... "Leeches are preadapted to human physiology. The secretions from their saliva cross the entire spectrum of physiology: blood clotting, digestion, connective tissue, disease, pain, inhibition of enzymes, anti-inflammation. You name it, the leech has it."
"As medical science advanced, leeching died out, but with the advent of microvascular surgery and tissue transfer, surgeons rediscovered the creature's value. Two Slovenian surgeons pioneered modern medical leeching in the 1960s, describing how the worms assisted them in a tissue-flap transplantation. Then, in 1985, Harvard plastic surgeon Joseph Upton was called to care for a 5-year-old boy whose ear had been bitten off by a dog. Ears, which have very small blood vessels, had never been successfully replanted. Upton had no trouble with the boy's arteries, but as he worked through the night reconnecting the veins, clots began to form."
Living World / Unusual Organisms- Bloodsuckers
When modern medicine needs some help, surgeons call in mother nature's little helper--
the LEECH.
by Jack McClintock, Photography by Elinor Carucci
From the December 2001 issue; published online December 1, 2001
"...In 1996 we have proved in cooperation with Ph.D in biology Chalisova N.I., that the leech extract allows to stimulate the growth of neurons and theirs neurodendrons. The base of nervous tissues activity is a transmition of information. Due to this fact we are living. The nervous regeneration ability of leech secretion is a brand new in science and opens a great possibilities to cure organic affections of of the nervous system , cerebral thrombosis consequences, sclerosis, parkinsonism, Alzheimer disease and many other diseases which couldn't be cured by traditional treatment. These facts allow us to make an optimistic conclusion that hirudotherapy has a great future. I believe in hirudotherapy rebirth in Russia."
prof. A.I. Krasheniuk, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2002
"Already, at the Assembly of International Health Care Organization ( Geneva, 1991, 44th session of International Health Care Organization ) a number of scientists discussed the necessity of natural medicine experience studying and its applying in such cases when effects of implementation proved by scientific data. So, nowadays there is a great interest to study leeches , which were well known since ancient times as a good means to cure a wide range of diseases."
Press release, St. Petersburg, Russia,1997
"... The unique results of Krasheniuk's hirudotherapy treatment of the children with cerebral paralysis have been broadcasted on 40 and 5th Saint-Petersburg TV channels.For example, little Vanja managed to walk himself after several months of hirudotherapy (He could'nt walk for 5 years). Such unical results could'nt be achieved by other methods of treatment. Besides the results are stable."
TV Channel & Press Release St. Petersburg, Russia, 2009